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Writer's pictureThomas Delker

Desolation Gray 2021 Day 0

The challenge with river trips is that the preparation is 1/2 the effort. A rainy long weekend helped get us ready though. The trailer needed wheel bearings repacked, the raft blown up to ensure that nothing had gone south over the winter, and seven days of food needed to be bought, preped and frozen.

But 7 days on the river without a road crossing or sign of civilization makes it all worth it. When Sara’s best friends family asked us if we could join them on a last minute permit for Desolation-Gray canyon, we couldn’t pass it up.

After all the packing and precooking and freezing over Memorial Day weekend , Tuesday we headed out for the 8.5 hr drive. We had several hiccups on the way (lost dust cup on the trailer bearing causing us to stop at a trailer parts place and then later an inspection at a gas station revealed a missing bolt that we replaced at a NAPA) we headed down a legendary rough 35 miles of shale road known for shredding tires. But we arrived with all 6 tires fully inflated (unlike the poor gentlemen with the pickup with a flat on the boat ramp) after 10.5 hrs and started rigging the boat.

With the kids now getting older and more able to help, we were rigged that evening, set up the tent and finally asleep by 10.30 pm. Beautiful weather and thankful the much discussed and feared mosquitoes had not arrived yet.

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