We made it to Boulder! Montana… not colorado! We got up as the alarm went off and Sara came in from the camper where she and andrew slept. Crys and I had a nice room in the house!
Dawn had made quiche for us, which was perfect! We said are goodbyes and we were pedaling on at 7.15.
As we pedaled out of Helena on the frontage road, we realized it was actually a pretty nice and quiet road. We chewed up the mileage and were at the top of boulder pass by 11 am with most of the hard miles behind us. The reroute gps track showed us joining I15 but we figured we could keep riding the frontage road despite the road closed sign spelling out our impending doom. Turns out the road was the perfect solutions and we wound our way through dirt roads back to the frontage road and finished our ride to boulder.
Got lunch at a cafe and then headed to the fairgrounds for ‘The Biker Barn’ A place they have set up for cyclists to stay with showers, tenting, and a nice building for us to hang out at. No other cyclists here yet.
Planning for the next few days - we will tent out one night between here and Butte and then head in to Butte for a double zero for Sara’s birthday before we head out again for a fairly tough section. It’s a lot of time off, but we have been making good time and we are confident we can make Jackson by our planned time. This is supposed to be vacation after all!
As we were relaxing in the shade under a huge cottonwood tree, a group of bridesmaids came out and are having wedding pictures taken here at the fairgrounds. Crys said she felt like we are a bunch of hobos squatting in the background. I said I didn’t understand why she felt like that as I rolled myself up in the tyvek we use for tent ground cloth/ sitting on. I mean, nothing is classier than using a 8’x4’ piece of paper to keep you warm, right!
